Why Sara?

Sara took birth as a one man’s dream while consequently with its being its fulfilling dreams of million others. Sara has been uniquely designed to craft the best quality yarn with the alignment of the best resources and efforts. 

Over the decades the Gilani family has been cultivating the best quality cotton moving towards ginning through (Sagar Fibers Pvt. Ltd ) in 2004-05 and eventually expanding as a world class Spinning industry (Sara Spintex Pvt. Ltd) in 2012-13.

Well within its first year in the industry Sara Spintex has already attained a global status. Here at Sara we strongly believe in customer satisfaction, enhancing skills and sustainability.

Learning and Development

At Sara, we believe that Learning is a fundamental matter for the 21st century.

Changes are bigger and are happening faster, and learning is the way to keep ahead maintaining employability in an era when jobs for life have gone. It enables organizations to sustain their edge as global competition increases. Learning to learn is the ultimate life skill. 

The “yarn” of a company’s success is essentially an excursion from Organizational learning-to-learning Organization – and that’s the confidence on which the Learning and development structure has been premeditated and is being executed.

Our Leadership